Saturday, November 17, 2007

Day 18 - Child Like Love

Having a young child has been such a blessing in our lives. Not only because he is so fun and loveable, but because of how much we are able to learn from him. There have been several occasions over the last couple weeks in which our son has truly taught us the true nature of love. As we grow older we sometimes are judgemental and uncomfortable with people who are different from us. Our 6 month old has thankfully not developed this characteristic. He smiles and flirts with people who are diabled, ugly, awkward, different, or normal just the same. Sometimes I think he gives the bigger smiles to those who need them the most. It is fun to see how much he can light up their day with his happy demeanor. Our goal is to look past the surface we can see with our eyes, and develop better vision with our hearts.

Also, if you have not commented on the Roll Call... please do so. It is a couple posts down.

1 comment:

Tina said...

It's amazing how a child can provide us with such a reality check. I believe that children are the closest that we can get to "heaven here on earth." They are amazing at providing unconditional love; something that we should all strive for.