Friday, November 16, 2007

Day 17- Finding Love in the Car

I'VE HAD A BREAKTHROUGH!!! For months I have been shocked at my attitude while in the car. For some reason, I found it totally acceptable to call someone a dirtbag just for cutting me off. Would I ever call someone a dirtbag in another circumstance? No! So why was it OK to feel so much hate while I was driving? I know this sounds silly but it was really one of my top priorities when I took the 100daysoflove challenge. I am not a hateful person, but I was downright bitter in the car. So, each day as I drive to work, I make a conscious effort to control my thoughts and words. It happened slowly, "dirtbags" became "slowpokes" and then came tolerance. Yesterday a man pulled out in front of me and I had to hit my brakes. Instead of honking my horn or tailing him, I slowed down and thought, "He probably didn't realize how fast I was going when he pulled out." The thought shocked me and I realized that I truly am making progress. Yea! I know I haven't been cured yet, but it is definately a step in the right direction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The road rage thing has been an interesting phenomenon during my 100 days of Killing Cancer. I'd say I inherited my parents' road rage (yep, mom has it too), yet I have found myself slowing down--way down. As daily life has become trivial and as I have been plunged into this new reality, the need to race the clock (and everybody else) has diminished. Why be rude, trite, egocentric and DANGEROUS? Life is short and unpredictable, and we should respect that by enjoying each moment and allowing others the pleasure of enjoying theirs. I repeat--allow others to enjoy their lives. Keep the finger down, the horn silent, and slow down. Plus, I'd rather be with my baby than hauling off to recover tissue from somebody who was on the unfortunate end of road rage. I see it way too much in this business....