Sunday, December 30, 2007

Day 61--Conversation

Sometimes with our world of technology, we have neglected simple conversations with each other. Text messaging, emails, playing with our computers, watching TV, etc. have taken the place of families and friends just sitting around and having good conversations. Our most meaningful connections can be made through personal conversations. Last night we turned off the TV and sat and talked. We got out some old photo albums and laughed about times from the past. We talked for over 2 hours and the time just flew by! Sharing our thoughts, listening to others, exploring events and feelings are wonderful ways to connect. A wonderful gift we can give each other is to simply give the time to have a personal conversation. Find out how great it is for you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I am so guilty of being a techno hermit. This is a great challenge, Nathan--I'm all over it! I love this website. You're more than halfway through, so people--help him with some ideas!!!