Saturday, December 1, 2007

Day 32 - Humility

A major blocker to genuine love is putting one's self as greater than others. Sometimes it may seem that the way to make ourselves seem better is to point out how we did something better than the next person. However, what purpose does this serve? Simply to extinguish the love that may have previously existed in our heart.

I see many people mistakenly assume that in order to be humble they have to point out their own flaws or even disregard complements and praise of others. This too is a block to love. Humility is not thinking less of one's self, it is just thinking more of others. It is the willingness to recognize the good in others without having to contrast it against one's self. Others can be good and worthwhile independent of how you feel about yourself, good or bad.

Let us each strive to have a more humble heart and notice and acknowledge the good in others. Lets stop minimizing the accomplishments of others to make ourselves feel better in some ways. You may be surprised at the love that fills your heart and mind as you do this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for doing this! This is beautiful.