Monday, December 3, 2007

Day 34 - Priorities

How often do we find ourselves giving the most attention to the things that are lower on our list of priorities? Does the TV show take presidence over spending quality time with a spouse or friend? Do we allow the "things" in our life more attention than the relationships? If we carefully analyzed our lives we might be surprised to see how out of whack our priorities may have become. As we strive to increase our love lets make sure that we give the most love to our top priorities.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm learning a little about priorities. This weekend I put some pictures of my nephew on my blog, and it upset his parents, so I took them off and posted a note about having a privacy issue and that if people wanted to hear more they could post and I'd update them through e-mail. That upset them too because they didn't want it to sound like it was a big issue--which it turned out to be anyway. As I tried to decide what the Savior would do, I found myself realizing that sometimes mercy/forgiveness is more important than "winning" an argument. Their feelings were hurt, and my feelings were hurt, but I decided the Savior would forgive and be merciful rather than forcing them to "live with the consequences of their actions". It was hard, but I feel like my love has grown just over these last 33 days. I'm not sure I would have reacted the same way 40 days ago. Thanks for the inspiration, motivation, and challenge to change. Thanks to Bryce and Tammy as well--for letting me find myself in a situation where I could be challenged to be more loving.