Monday, December 10, 2007

Day 41 - Quality Time

This weekend I learned some important lessons about love. I am really busy at this time studying for tests and writing papers. I wanted to get as much done during the weekend to ease the stress of the rest of the week. It snowed most of the day on Saturday and left a beautiful white blanket all over the yard. Snow has always been an exciting thing for me, so I took the challenge of altering routine to heart. I got my wife and son, bundled all up, and went and played in the snow. It was the first real snow for my son, and he enjoyed being outside with his mom and dad. We built a huge snowman together and laughed and had fun together. It was a wonderful time. I felt a little bad though, because I didn't do much of the work I had planned. However, as I thought about it longer, I realized that in 5 years from now, those papers and tests are not going to mean much, but the quality time that I spent with my family will mean the world.

Lets all remember how important quality time is to the people we love. Keep the future perspective in mind and use the time we have to strengthen our relationships.


gunnfam said...

amen to that. I have to remind myself that cleaning the house is necessary, but spending time with my family is vital!

christine said...

I couldn't agree with you more about the quality of time we spend being so important!! I bet you had such a great time playing in the snow!! Some of my favorite times with my kids are playing with them and not even worrying about the dishes in the sink!