Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day 50 - Share

It's interesting that this is something we try so hard to teach our children, but somehow the concept is completely lost on us. It's almost as if we think that since we "earned" our things that they really are "mine." Sometimes we are just simply childish. For example, sometimes after I have made a sandwich for myself my wife will come and steal a bite. And for some silly reason I let this bother me. If I really understood the concept of sharing, I would be happy to share a bite of my sandwich, and would have even offered if she wanted some. There is something inherently loving about sharing.

We are now halfway through the 100 days. It has been an interesting learning experience so far for me. Please, all of you, share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with us. You have no idea how much this helps us to continue with our motivation to be more loving people. You can either leave a comment, or email us at

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