Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day 74--Journaling

We often have significant experiences in our lives. As the years go by, we remember some of the details. It is always fun to go back and read any of the experiences we wrote down. Journaling is a wonderful way to remember what is happening in our lives. It has several useful purposes. One is that as we write, we are able to clarify what we have thought or experienced. That alone can give us perspective. Another is that we can see how we have grown, or what we have learned when we look at the writing another time. Another is that sometimes others can benefit from reading what we have written. Our family members would benefit from reading and knowing about our lives. Another fun thing would be to write about your loved ones and tell stories about them. Journaling is a great way to record your memories and feelings.

1 comment:

Tim Summers said...

great post! i think that if our family members were to read our journals, they would get a much better understanding of us as individuals. it seems that a lot of times, people judge you based on your family or your parents without actually knowing much about you as an individual.