Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 67--Seasons

We recognize the seasons of the year. Right now we are reminded about winter with all the snow we have received. It is beautiful--but cold. It's always amazing to think that spring will follow winter. If I can hang on through this cold season, I will feel something warm and beautiful soon. Each season has it's beauties, it's lessons, and it's challenges. I prefer spring and fall to winter and summer. But I can learn to enjoy all of them. (I'm glad to live in a place where we experience 4 different seasons.) We have seasons in our loving as well. Sometimes I am warm, sometimes I am cold. But the warmth brings more blossoms, more fruit. I look forward to some rich times ahead because I know it is my choice to make this a season of joy and caring for others. I choose to have a warm heart, not a cold heart. I determine my own seasons.

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